Central Prison - Sanaa

Since the 1990s

Known as the Central Prison in Sanaa, it is the largest prison in Yemen. It was established in 1993 under the Prison Service Law of 1991. It contains all kinds of prisoners. It was recently used under the Houthi militias to jail their opponents, and during the last two years, the Houthis placed in it a number of civil detainees included in the prisoner exchange agreement with the legitimate government, in addition to survivors from the bombing of the Community College prison in Dhamar. In September 2019, the Houthis released 290 detainees, including 42 from the central prison. Until a short while ago, the prison was dedicated to convicts and a number of people involved in terrorism cases. However, when the Houthis entered Sanaa, they broke into it and released a number of detainees who were loyal to them. No one could take pictures of the prison from inside or the inmates in it. However, there are some pictures of those who recently left, including one completely paralyzed person who was only able to move his eyes. He was on a number of media outlets and is nicknamed as Al-Shanfi.